pISSN: 2636-0543
알코올과 건강행동연구, Vol.25 (2024)
성인 당뇨병 환자의 영양표시 이용이 혈당조절에 미치는 영향
Objectives: This study was conducted to analyze the effect of nutrition label use on blood glucose control in adult diabetic patients in Korea and to present basic data for proper blood glucose management in diabetic patients. Methods: Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted with 1,422 subjects to investigate the effect of nutrition label use on blood glucose control in adult diabetic patients using data from the 8th period (2019-2021) of the National Health and Nutrition Survey, and SPSS 27.0 was used. Results: As a result of performing logistic regression analysis after adjusting for demographic characteristics, health behavior, and health outcome factors, the probability of blood glucose control was 37% lower in diabetic patients who did not use nutrition label than in diabetic patients who did. And in diabetic patients who did not know nutrition label, the probability of blood glucose control was 34% lower. In addition, compared to the diabetes treated group, the probability of blood glucose control in the non-treated group was 3.63 times higher. The probability of blood glucose control in normal and underweight subjects was 1.39 times higher than those suffering from obesity. In the case of hypertension, the probability of blood glucose control in normal subjects was 35% lower than those of patients with disease. Conclusions: It was confirmed that nutrition label use can affect blood glucose control, and it is necessary to actively control blood glucose through appropriate dietary intake using nutrition label to manage diabetes.